PC District's Virtual Reality Hub

Bringing virtual and augmented reality
to everyone

Take your students on an adventure
Bring lessons to live
Explore museums and tourist attractions

Imagine taking your students to the top of Zuma rock, navigating the hot and cold springs of ikogosi then heading to badagry slave museum to experience the history of our forefathers during the slave trade era, all from within your classroom. With virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), you can add a new dimension to your curriculum.

With VR and AR, teachers are no longer limited by the space of the classroom. VR lets you explore the world virtually while AR brings abstract concepts to life—allowing teachers to guide students through collections of 360° scenes and 3D objects, pointing out interesting sites and artifacts along the way.

Education has always been fertile ground for the creation of new, boundary-pushing technology. Schools, Universities and colleges have always been at the cutting edge of new technologies, driving development and creating the next generation of scientists, developers, and entrepreneurs.

Virtual and augmented reality technologies are at the frontier of development right now; with changes happening at a frenetic pace. Professors and students alike are exploring the various disciplines where immersive imagery and audio can be impactful, and the adoption rate is only accelerating.

Ultimately, adoption in education largely depends on tech-enthusiasts taking a greater initiative.

  • Minimal setup for maximum engagement
  • Hundreds of adventures for the classroom
  • Unique experiences within reach
  • Inspiring students’ creativity and imagination

    Explore numerous tours created by the world’s leading institutions.

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